Apr 4, 2015

3rd Quarter's 'No Risk' Final Exam

As you know, our final exam came sooner than expected, and our review time was interrupted by the Aspire test. Even though many of you did quite well given the circumstances, I've decided to grade the final exam like this:

1. If your final exam grade is higher than the average of all your other grades, your score will count and raise your overall grade.

2.  If your final exam grade is lower than the average of your other grades, your grade will match the average and not change your grade at all.

For example, your grades for the other 4 categories are:
ClassWrk      Homewk(Khan)     Tests    Notebook  =  **Average  
     80                     70                      70           90                    74%

If your final exam grade is >74% (say 90%), it will be recorded as 90%, and your overall grade will rise to 77%

If your final exam grade is less than 74, your final exam score will be recorded as 74%, and your grade will not change.

Questions? Please email or ask when we get back.  

Enjoy the rest of your break.

If you're curious, here are the actual final exam grades.

**Categories are weighted, which is why the average may not be what you'd expect.