Dec 16, 2011

Holiday Greetings to All Students

Just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. And what better way to share those greetings than with a song:  Enjoy.

Dec 1, 2011

Help for Khan Academy "Units" Topic

The Units section at the Khan Academy contains some problems that require you to convert one metric unit to another metric unit.  Here is what you should do:  Open a new tab and go to  Once you are there you can select the two units to convert from.  For example, if the problem says 'How many hectometers are in 674 centimeters, then your conversion page should look like this:

  (click on picture for larger view)

The number on the right will show automatically; that is your answer. Copy and paste it into the answer area at the Khan Academy. For the questions converting feet to miles and seconds to hours, you need to do them like we did in class.  You'll probably want a calculator close by as well.  Good Luck.
