Dec 25, 2012

Tuesday's Teaser: Christmas Edition

*As Santa prepared to deliver the last of his packages down under in Sydney, Australia, he noticed two small boxes at the bottom addressed to: "Bambino, Rome Italy". Realizing that the boxes had been misplaced and that he only had 4 hours before the Bambino would wake up, Santa strapped a pair of Nike Air Max Hyperaggressor's on each reindeer and sped towards Rome. Exactly 4 hrs. later, Santa delivered the boxes and headed home to Mrs. C.
Find the distance (in miles, rounded to the nearest hundred) between Sydney and Rome, then calculate Santa's average speed during his trip.

First five correct emails receive 10 bonus points and something extra in their stocking.

* Information from the 2010 bestseller, "I Want to be an Algebra Teacher," by S. Claus
