Jan 29, 2015

1st Semester Grades

...And here they are.

Jan 27, 2015

WARNING: Graphic Image Ahead

Part I of the final exam has been graded. It's not pretty, so if you get sick at the sight of blood, look the other way.  You have been warned.

Jan 24, 2015

2 More Resources for the Final Exam

With part I of the final exam less than 72 hours away, you may want to take a look at these two documents as you prepare.  The first is actually our class work for Monday, but you can get an early start here.

The 2nd document 
is an **'if-then' 
guide to the 
coordinate plane.
It tells you what 
formulas to use            
in any situation.                   ***Images shown are not the complete documents
                                                                   **Link  Fixed

Jan 21, 2015

Class Summary: January 22, 2015

Class work can be found in yesterday's summary.


Another (Very) Helpful Resource

Whether you need more help with a certain topic, or just want to prepare for a test, Braingenie can help.With thousands of topics to choose from in math and science, it's worth a visit and a bookmark. I would always suggest taking a 5-10 question practice test just before we have a scheduled test in class.  It's a great way to see how ready you are and to brush up on any weak areas.

It's all free, you don't need to sign up, but if you register (still free) you can compete in real time against others, move up their rankings board, and fulfill your lifelong goal of world domination.

Class Summary: January 21, 2015

We wrap up this part of the unit before continuing with parallel and perpendicular lines. Our class work is here. Don't forget about your Khan Academy due this Sunday.

Jan 19, 2015

New Khan Academy Topics for January 23, 2015

Here are your new topics. Since we have a 
shorter week than usual,it would be wise to get started ASAP. Also, since this is the end of the quarter and grades are due,  Sunday is the last day to receive credit.

Tuesday's Triple Teaser Treat

*We're serving up a triple scoop of bonus points this week.  Thirty in all, and well deserved for those meeting the challenge.  There's no math involved, but a correct solution requires the same skills necessary to be successful in math: logic, organization, a willingness to try different methods, and a desire to see the problem through.   

No tricks or 'gotchas', the TTTT is found here. 

Submit your work with complete data for each category on or before Friday, January 23, 2015.

* Waffle Cone not included 

Resource Reminder

A quick note to remind everyone of the wealth of additional resources available to you at this site. From the sidebar at the right,
there are a variety of  resources, including videos from every topic covered this year. There are 10 videos in the coordinate plane unit alone. 
 None of the videos are from 
the Khan Academy since you already have access to the huge library of videos there.

Week in Review: January 12-16

All coordinate plane, all the time. This week included two class work assignments. 2.10 can be found here and 2.11 here.

 January 16, 2015

 January 15, 2015

 January 14, 2015 (wrong date on slide)

 January 13, 2015

 January 12, 2015

Jan 18, 2015

Additional Resources for the Coordinate Plane

For those of you who may want or need extra help with our current unit, here is a short animated video and a monster 150 slide power point covering the entire unit from A-Z. The video covers the slope of a line and the slope-intercept form. I'll be rolling out additional resources as we cover more of this unit.  Enjoy!
You can get your ultimate guide here. It has lots of examples, sample problems with answers, and links to other resources. A definite must have!!

 Slope-Intercept Form

Jan 13, 2015

Test Results for Percents, Ratios, Rates; Parts I & II

Part I (100 points) here.
Part II (50 points) here.

Tuesday's Teaser

A timely teaser since we just completed our unit on fractions, percents, etc.

Submit your answer, work included, on or before Friday, January 16, 2015 for a double bonus of 10 points. (One test Question)

Jan 9, 2015

The Week in Review: January 5-9, 2015

Our first class work for this unit can be found here.


Our class work, (test review) can be found here.