Mar 19, 2011

To Do: Get Firefox, Chrome & Gmail

I have noticed that many of you are visiting this site while using Internet Explorer.  DUMP THE EXPLORER!! There are links to Firefox and Chrome in the "Lots of Links" post. Download one or both of them, try using them both, then decide which one you like better. Either way, each are WAY faster and better than Explorer.

Also, everyone should have a Gmail account.  Even if you have an email account at  Hotmail, MSN, Yahoo, Youhoo, or Boohoo, trust me, you'll want a Gmail account.  Sign up here. It takes like 2 minutes, so get your Gmail account this weekend before they're all gone.

As always, let me know if any of the links don't work.

P.S. One more free computer hour to give away for solving the Tuesday's Teaser.