Nov 22, 2012

Khan Academy Schedule: Dec./Jan.

Here's the schedule folks:  You can download the document here, so you always have it on your hard drive.  As usual, if there are any changes, I will let you know. We should be right on track to cover each topic in class before it is due at the Academy.

December 1, 2012

*  Proportions 2

*  Percentage Word Problems 1

*  Rate Problems .5

December 8, 2012

*  Views of a Function

*  Domain and Range

*  Understanding Functional Notation

December 15, 2012

*  Identifying Slope of a Line

*  Identifying Linear Relationships

*  Equations from Tables

*  Finding the Equation of a Line

December 22, 2012

*  Slope-Intercept Form

*  Solving for x-Intercept

*  Solving for y-Intercept

*  Point-Slope Form

December 29, 2012

 No Khan Academy: Enjoy the New Year

January 12, 2013

*  Graphing Linear Equations

*  Equations of Parallel & Perpendicular Lines

*  Converting between Point-Slope and Slope-Intercept

*  Graphing Linear Inequalities

January 26, 2013

*  Systems of Equations

*  Graphing Systems of Equations

*  Solving Systems of Equations with Elimination

*  Solving Systems of Equations with Substitution
