May 5, 2011

Test Prep: Mean, Median & Mode

Here's a quick review for tomorrow's test. Try to work the problems before checking the answer.

Mean:  First, Sum all of the data, then divide by the number of items in your data.  For example: You are asked to find the mean of 6,10,5,7,6,8,.  Try working the problem now. Add up the numbers and then divide by 6, the number of data points.  Go ahead, work it, I'll wait.

Here is the answer:
     Sum = 42, divided by 6 = mean of 7     Press and highlight the blank area before the sentence to view answer.

Median:  When finding the median, you must first place the numbers in order from least to greatest or greatest to least. Using the same numbers above, they are rewritten 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 10. The median is the number in the middle. If you have an even number of data items, like we do here, add the two middle numbers and divide by 2. Go ahead, find the median..

   6 + 7 = 13 /2 = 6.5  Once again, highlight the area before this sentence for the answer:  Did you get it correct?

Mode: The mode is simply the number that appears most often, the most common number. For our numbers, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 10, the mode is, what? Did you get  6  for the mode?  Hope so.

Check back a little later tonight for Stem & Leaf examples, gotta go walk the dog now. 
