Dec 16, 2011

Holiday Greetings to All Students

Just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. And what better way to share those greetings than with a song:  Enjoy.

Dec 1, 2011

Help for Khan Academy "Units" Topic

The Units section at the Khan Academy contains some problems that require you to convert one metric unit to another metric unit.  Here is what you should do:  Open a new tab and go to  Once you are there you can select the two units to convert from.  For example, if the problem says 'How many hectometers are in 674 centimeters, then your conversion page should look like this:

  (click on picture for larger view)

The number on the right will show automatically; that is your answer. Copy and paste it into the answer area at the Khan Academy. For the questions converting feet to miles and seconds to hours, you need to do them like we did in class.  You'll probably want a calculator close by as well.  Good Luck.


Nov 25, 2011

2nd Quarter Khan Academy Schedule

2nd Quarter:  Khan Academy Mastery Subject Areas

Reminder:  Subject areas completed on or before due date receive 100%.  Subject areas completed no more than 5 days after due date receive 80% score.  All assignments not completed or completed more than 5 days past the due date receive a grade of zero.

Due Date 
1. Writing Proportions    2.  Expressing Ratios as Fractions     
3.  Compound Inequalities  4.  Rates 0.5
1.  Exponent Rules   2.  Exponents.1      3.  Exponents.2     4.  Fraction Word Problems 1
1.  Scientific Notation    2.  Units    3.  Ratio Word Problems     4.  Distributive Prop. With Variables
1.  Linear Equations.1   2.  Linear Equations.2   3. Linear Equations.3    4. Linear Equations.4   5.  Linear Inequalities
1.  Adding/Subtracting Polynomials  2.  Multiplying Polynomials   3.  Multiplying Expressions 1   4.  Graphing Points 1
No Assignments:  Merry Christmas
1.  Converting Fractions to Decimals 1   2.  Converting Decimals to Fractions 1   3.  Converting Percent to Decimals    4.  Converting Decimals to Fractions 2

1.  Solving for a Variable   2.  Domain/Range.5    3.  Range of a Function   4.  Domain of Function
1.  Functions 1    2.  Functions 2    3.  Slope of a Line   4.  Converting Decimals to Percents
1.  Solving for Y Intercept   2.  Solving for X Intercept   3.  Converting Between Slope Intercept    4.  Average Word Problems


Nov 18, 2011

Khan Academy Schedule

Have a nice Thanksgiving Break


Sep 25, 2011

Khan Academy Schedule & Grading

Schedule of Mastery Test Deadlines & Grading Procedures

Since the Khan Academy Mastery Tests determine more than half of your grade, it is important that you understand the test deadlines and how your grades are calculated.

Below you will find  a weekly list of tests to be completed before 7:00 pm on the date given.  All deadlines are on Saturday evenings, in order to give you an extra full day to complete them. Your grades for these tests will be determined as follows:

   A:  Mastery achieved before deadline:  100% grade for that test.

   B:  Mastery not achieved by deadline:  Because the more you practice anything, the better you will become, you will receive 2 points for each question you answer, correct or not. Your maximum grade (if you answer 35 or more questions) will be 70%.  If you were to answer 35 questions but not be able to answer 10 in a row correctly, you will receive a grade of 70%.  If you attempt to answer no questions, your grade will be 0%

   C:  Mastery is achieved within 5 days after the deadline:  In this case, your grade will move up to 80%.  This grade is only for those who achieve mastery within 5 days of the deadline.

Here is the list of Tests and their Deadlines:
       October 1, 2011—7:00 pm 
Ø  Order of Operations                                                                  
Ø  Absolute Values                                                                          
Ø  Adding & Subtracting Negative Numbers                            
Ø  Multiplying & Dividing Negative Numbers                         

       October 8, 2011—7:00 pm

Ø  Distributive Property        
Ø  Comparing Absolute Value
Ø  Properties of Numbers 1
Ø  Evaluating Expressions 1

       October 15, 2011—7:00 pm 
Ø  Evaluating Expressions 2                                                         
Ø  Writing Expressions 1 & 2                                                      
Ø  Recognizing Fractions                                                             
Ø  Equivalent Fractions 1 & 2                                                                 

October 22, 2011—7:00 pm

Ø  Inequalities on Number Line
Ø  One-Step Inequalities
Ø  Prime Numbers
Ø  Prime Factorization
Ø  Simplifying Fractions
Ø  Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)

      October 29, 2011—7:00 pm

Ø  Exponent Rules
Ø  Exponents 1
Ø  Least Common Multiple (LCM)
Ø  Comparing Fractions 1 & 2
Ø  Ordering Fractions                                                 

       END OF 1st QUARTER

 If you have any questions, please ask in class or email me.  See you Monday. 

Sep 11, 2011

To All Algebra I Students

During class I talked to you about having a Gmail or Facebook account because there are some on-line requirements for the class.  One of the sites we will using often is the Khan Academy.  The document linked below tells you how to set up your account, how to add me as your 'coach' (teacher), and what will be required of you at this site.  PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENT, START TO FINISH.  IT'S SHORT AND IT'S IMPORTANT.

 This is just the first page.  Get the entire document here.  Download and read it please.

Get started as soon as possible. Bring any questions you have to class or email me.

Jul 19, 2011

Shark Week Coming Soon

UPDATE: There are at least 2 different cameras to view from. At the bottom of the player is a 'Multiview' icon. Click on the icon to choose between cameras.

As many of you know, every year the Discovery Channel has a week of programs dedicated to sharks. This year, Shark Week Begins July 31.

One cool thing they have done this year is place a live streaming web cam into the world's largest shark tank. You can watch the sharks, manta rays, and all the other fish do their thing live.  Here is the link. Once the player loads, click on the full screen icon in the lower right. The live action makes for a great screen saver too.

Check it out, very worth it.

 I'll be joining the celebration by posting shark attack videos, shark meat recipes, and other fun shark facts. See you in the water....


Jul 14, 2011

New School Busses for Next Year

PSS Receives New School Busses

Will Get Students to School Faster
By Mark Raggado
Assistant Editor

The Public School System announced today the order of 20 new top of the line school busses for the upcoming school year.  This type of  buss is the fastest model manufactured and the company producing them says that students will get to school in less than half the time it took before, allowing students to sleep in much longer ....full story

See the video of the new busses here:

You might not want to sit in the very front...

Jul 13, 2011

All About "The Cloud"

Maybe you've seen commercials where they talk about 'the cloud.' If you listen carefully, you'll notice a lot more advertisements mentioning the cloud.  Cell phone, computer, software and hardware companies are all telling you how you can use the cloud.

So, what is 'The Cloud', and how can or will it help you?

The Cloud has two main parts, and they are both easy to understand.

1.  The cloud is simply on line storage.  By having all your files, or just the ones you choose, stored on the internet, you save space on your hard drive, you can get to your files from any computer, and you can share those files with anyone you give the address to (and password if they are protected). If you have a group project, you can store the file on the cloud and each person can add to it and upload the new version for everyone to see.

Copying things to a flash drive is great if the person is there with you. But if they are far or you won't be seeing them, you can use the cloud to share and transfer.  Many, many sites offer from 1 to 25 gigabytes of cloud storage for free. An earlier post listed some of them, but I will list them again later in this post.

2.  The cloud has applications you can use.  What does this mean?  Instead of having Microsoft Word or Power Point on your computer, you can access these applications from the cloud.  Any one with a Gmail account can access Google Apps and use their whole line up of applications for free.

The cloud means you don't have to store as much on your computer, which means cell phones and tablets are going to more and more be people's main choice of computer.

Finally, the cloud is a great way to back up anything and everything you don't want to lose on your computer.

Click Here for a link to previous post listing on line storage options.


Jul 10, 2011

How You'll Soon be Getting to School or Work

As you know, technology is much more than just computers.  It affects and changes every part of our lives. One area set to see major changes is transportation.  Let's look at some of the soon to be options for personal travel.

Terrafugia Flying Car

Way cool. It's a car and a plane. Runs on regular gasoline, parks in the garage, and easy to handle. Only downside is you need to get a pilot's license to use it in the air.  Not too hard to do, though.  Many, many people have a private pilot's license.  Check the video:



Already being used, the Hoverbike is more flying motorcylcle than car.  Sit on top, and it takes off like a helicopter; straight up. Twist the handlebar like a motorcycle and it goes forward, up to 75 miles per hour.


Moeller Flying Car

Another futuristic car being sold now. While you may not be driving to school in one of these ( unless you've got an extra $150,000 laying around), these car/planes are being sold and used.   Never mind a new computer for every student, how about a flying car for everyone instead?

Ferrari V4 Motorcycle

It doesn't the air...but it flies! If you're ready to go 230 mph, this Ferrari's for you. And, it's cheaper than the flying car...this cycle is a rock bottom cheap $85,000.

Flying Cube

Stand inside, say the magic words, and up, up, and away you go. Mostly for shorter trips, 100 miles or less, the Cube isn't jet powered, but doesn't have to deal with traffic lights or slow vehicles.. until you land.  Perfect for Saipan and trips to Tinian, Rota, and Guam.
